Thursday, February 9, 2012

Week 10 Vocabulary

Tell us how you feel about one of the following topics: homework, parents, art, sports, or dessert. Use at least 4 vocabulary words to do so.


  1. Sometimes homework to me is quite enigmatic, because i can not figure it out at all. And also sometimes it is so nebulous that i have no way of completing it. Also at times the homework that some teachers assign is blatantly easy. When i have other things on my mind I often forget homework and when i have no homework to turn in it denigrates my reputation to the teacher.

  2. Parents are quite an enigmatic bunch. Some can be quite docile, spoiling their children throughout their entire lives, while other can be strict martinets, and their households can be extremely procrustean. They all seem to share the mystical ability of being able to read any lie, calling out untruths as blatant with a 100% accuracy. The well-established art of boycotting also seems to have no effect on such beings - they need only utilize the "send to room" command and all your attempts at getting your favorite video game or ice cream are moot. Truly nebulous, their manners invoke great curiosity in children throughout the entire world, and perhaps further research will shed light on these enigmas that adolescents face every day.

  3. Art is a very broad category that includes a variety of things. Art can be unique, creative, beautiful, interesting, and even sometimes enigmatic. When making some forms of art, like a painting, the artist may create something very abstract. Some of these can be so abstract that the theme or what the artist is trying to convey can be very nebulous. Some artists are very unique and have their own style, but other artists' work can be very prosaic. However, whatever type of art it is, there are never any set boundaries. There is no right or wrong. Art is not procrustean. Art is pure expression and what you think of it is your opinion.

  4. It is very likely that if you're really good in a sport, then you may get an offer to play college basketball/college football or even be in the NBA/NFL. Nepotism is very likely to occur in pro sports because of the legacy the son's father left while he played whichever sport he played. An example of this is head coach for the Boston Celtics, Doc Rivers. He played in the NBA and he coaches now. So it was easy for his son, Austin Rivers, to get into a good school where he could shine and stand out. He left the North Carolina crowd stunned after the enigmatic shot he made to win the game for Duke on Wednesday night. Austin Rivers' docile play allows Coach K teach him more about the game and which areas to improve in. Rivers also stunned the media with a blatant statement he made at the beginning of the season. He stated that whatever it took, he would make an impact on the game of basketball, and that he would make it to the NBA. As of right now, Rivers is headed in the right direction.

  5. Somtimes in sports u can realy get into the game and you are just in the zone. For me it is still enigmatic why this happens sometimes and others it does not. Also it is not absolutly blatant when your are playing that well and u never make a mistake. Often when I am in my "zone" it is a nebulous experience and do not realize it. If i had to descibe the feeling of knowing you are playing the best and in the "zone" it is anything but a prosaic expirience.

  6. I love sports! I play volleyball, basketball, and softball. I love sports, because practices and games never become prosaic like homework or my classes. I get along with all the girls on my team and my coaches. None of my coaches are extremely procrustean, so practice is pretty relaxed. Most of the girls are pretty docile, so the coach doesn't have to work hard to get us to pay attention or listen. Occasionally, the details of games can be nebulous, because our coach is busy, but everything usually turns out okay. Going to sports practice is the best part of my day and I love being a part of such great teams.

  7. Art is one of the greatest enigmas. Often, art is bizarre and contains a hidden meaning. However, the meaning is often hazy and nebulous. I was never a big fan of art with a hidden meaning. It always seems like the artists is trying to be cool, but their art ends up being prosaic and pedestrian. Some art is wild and some is docile. Wild art generally contains brighter colors like red and pink, while docile paint has colors like blue and black. Docile paint is calmer and the colors seem flatter. I am a fan of docile art because it looks better to me.

  8. When I attempt to do my homework, I had trouble because it was so nebulous to me. I tried to do the problems, but they we're so hazy and unclear in my head. I asked my prosaic teacher for help, but he didn't seem to care or mind that I was having trouble. He would just sit there, and say, "maybe you should get a tutor." When I told my mom about my teacher's behavior, she had a conference with him and the head of school to address the problem. The head of school was upset about my teachers' behavior, and threatened to fire him if he didn't help his students. After the confrontation, my teacher denigrated me by telling all my other teachers that I was a bad kid who made up lies to get teachers fired. This resulted in me getting bad grades in other classes. My teachers made it blatantly obvious that the cause of my failing grades was because they didn't like me, and they would get me in trouble with the school. I couldn't understand my teachers enigmatic ways, and why they didn't like me. I told my mother that they were all being mean to me, and she boycotted the school. She told all here friends what had happened, and by the end of the year the entire community had boycotted the school by standing outside refusing to let any kids go inside. This had a huge affect on the head of the school, and he fired all the bad teachers. Hw apologized to every student, and every family member personally. The head of school made procrustean rules about the qualifications of the teachers, and the school became one of the best schools in the state.

  9. I love my parents very much but sometimes i get annoyed of hearing their prosaic sayings. Usually we get along well and they are docile but every now and then they will get very angry with me about stupid things for example not taking the dog out enough! My parents are not usually procrustean people but on occasion they can be very strict about my grades and teaching me to drive. Usually we have family conversations but sometimes my parents will go off onto their own nebulous conversations about work using many foreign medical terms and i get lost. But overall my parents are pretty great and i know they love me even when they do get upset.

  10. Sometimes, homework can be quiet blatant in that it so easy to figure out and it takes a short amount of time to complete it. But sometimes, homework can be enigmatic because of many different reasons. One, teachers don't teach you the material in class so you don't have any idea of what you are doing. Secondly, the directions are nebulous and cannot figure out what you are supposed to do. Homework can be docilely managed if you are organized and you can concentrate and not get distracted. Most of the time though, I find all homework prosaic in that it is always the same and there is nothing interesting. Homework can be tough or easy.

  11. I love art. I think that it is a great way for someone to express his or her feelings through an appropriate outlet. People like art because their are so many different varieties of it. Maybe drawing isn't your thing, you could still dance, sing, play an instrument, or almost anything else that you can think of. All art is so full of colour and personality. It lets you look into the emotions of the artist, choreographer, or composer. Art can either be very enigmatic and cryptic or loud and blatant. I prefer art that is more nebulous because you can then interpret the piece into your own individual idea.
    this is another thing that I love about art, everyone looks at it differently. I could go to a ballet with a friend, and walk out crying because I thought it was moving, but my friend could have a completely opposite reaction to the same piece. The only rule in art is to make sure that your final piece doesn't end up being prosaic. You want people to enjoy the final product of all your hard work, not to fall asleep.

  12. Parents are very enigmatic sometimes, and it would be very hard to see into they nebulous minds. They have very prosaic and routine lives, but I'm sure it's more complex than it looks. There might be hidden meaning behind the procrustean rules they enforce on their docile children. And who knows what they're thinking when they ignore the denigration that they get in return. They're too smart to blatantly lie to children, so how can we know if they're telling the truth? What I'm trying to say is, it's impossible for us children to completely understand the way our parents work, so is that a good thing or a bad thing?

  13. Sometimes, homework can be both enigmatic and nebulous, while other times it can be somewhat blatant. Many students often denigrate homework, saying that it takes too much time and is tedious. Homework takes up too much time for most students, leaving them with hardly any time for other activities and leaving them stressed. However, for the lucky ones, homework can be docilely managed.

  14. When parents ask about the homework load, many kids or teenagers denigrate the use of homework. Many youths think it is a waste of time. Homework is such a prosaic chore to do. Also many times kids find homework to be enigmatic. Math homework is a very nebulous sometimes when finding the right way to set up the problem. Sometimes I can get so stressed that I just want to boycott homework in general.

  15. Oh sweet, heavenly dessert. There are not enough words to describe you. True love perhaps? Unfortunately, so many people settle for prosaic desserts. A scoop of vanilla ice cream just can't compare to the mouthwatering goodness of a hot chocolate chip cookie dunked in cold milk, the chocolate chips oozing out from the bottom. The worst people are the ones who pretend like they don't like dessert to stick to their diets. Well that the enigmatic part about dessert, it seems like it's bad sometimes, but it really isn't. In fact, nutritionists suggest small, indulgent treats for dieters, so they won't crave sweets and end up scarfing stale oreos. However, making dessert requires procrustean recipes. If it says one teaspoon salt, don't blatantly overmeasure, or your cupcakes will be nasty! The only things I change are cinnamon, chocolate, and vanilla. My rule of thumb is always add a little extra of those three ingredients. In fact, my grandma's famous cookies call for half the bag of chocolate chips, and she has been putting in the whole bag since by dad was ten.

  16. Art is a very broad concept that is determined by the minds of those who experience it. To a certain artsist a shoe laying on the sidewalk could have some underlying meaning. While another person could be confused by this enigmatic meaning behind. That person may possible prefer artwork that has a more blatant meaning to it. Art can come in many forms, such as pictures of famous events. There is one specific picture of Rosa Parks sitting on a bus, representing the boycott that took place in her name's sake. On the surface the picture is fairly easy to comprehend, however it could have nebulous meanings withen the picture.

  17. For some, sports could be considered prosaic, but for others it can help clear up our nebulous minds that are filled with the stress that our school day brings us. Playing a sport that you love for as little as ten minutes can help you relax and forget about the bad things. Sports aren't for everyone though and for those people, sports could be seen as enigmatic because sometimes the rules and whole concept all together can be easily misinterpreted. Nevertheless, it is blatant that sports are very popular and that soccer is definitely the most popular of them all.

  18. In sports you can face many challenges. One challenge an athlete could face is nepotism. Sometimes it's hard to live up to athletic achievements/standards that your parents set. A Procrustean coach could serve as an inhibitor if you are in it more for the fun than wins. You also have to be pretty smart. You can't be successful if you blatantly show your opponent what your next move is going to be. But for someone who believes winning is everything, a docile coach might not be good enough. A true champion athlete overcomes all the challenges in his way, no matter what they are

  19. Contemporary art is an enigma to many people. It seldom expresses easily interpreted, blatantly obvious statements. Many feel that all contemporary art is the same, the prosaic attempting to be poetic. Though its meaning is sometimes nebulous, many contemporary artists have used their work to play an important role in protests such as boycotts.

  20. Art has a variety of different forms, none of which are prosaic in comparison to the others. Some artwork may require the admirer to puzzle for hours over one particularly enigmatic piece to finally understand, while another piece may simply make you puzzle for days to the conclusion that the nebulous piece of art can only understood by the creator. Perhaps the piece consisted of five random swirls of different shades of yellow. The creator of the art may believe the piece to be a blatantly obvious representation of a sunflower blowing in the breeze, while the observer may think it was a solar flare on the sun. Art can be interpreted in many different ways; and the unique thing about art is that all of the interpretations are correct depending on who is viewing, creating, or studying it.

  21. In art, there are many different concepts that not every one understands. Art isn't meant for every one to understand. The theme or idea of the piece of art could be nebulous and enigmatic, or it could be straight forward and clear. Some people do not encourage art, they denigrate it and believe that people who make art could be the incarnate form of the devil. Many agnostic artists do pieces of what they think is out there and what they believe about the universe and about God. Art could be docile, or completely harsh and scary as well.

  22. It must be blatantly obvious to someone watching me play sports that I am not very athletic. I don't find the game or the rules enigmatic, it's just that the requirements of being good at sports are procrustean. You have to be athletic and fit, and those are things that I just am not. You also have to have a lot of motivation and dedication; you either work out a lot or attend prosaic practices every day, or both. Some people are just not cut out to be athletes, but those are usually the ones who get good grades!

  23. There are a lot of different types of art. My favorite is music and I like paintings also, but to me some of the paintings that artist paint are a enigmatic or prosaic. I like the the enigmatic ones paintings because they are confusing and make me think and the painting are not blatant. The prosaic paintings are all the same and are boring because either nothing is happening or they are blatant because it is completely obvious what is happeneing.

  24. I am going to talk about art because I feel as though it is a very enigmatic way of expressing yourself. The meaning on some pieces art is blatant but others can be quite nebulous, in my opinion it all just depend on the artist. Artists can make a persons image and reputation and great, depending on what they do for the person, but artists can also denigrate a persons reputation depending on what the art means. All in all I feel like no artwork is prosaic, and that there is something that always motivates or inspires an artist to do it.

  25. I will talk about homework because it is so easy to denigrate. Everybody is procrustean about the fact that you must do all your homework, while I agree to at least try, the most common homework is always just so prosaic to do. There is also some homework that people find the answers to be so blatantly obvious that you believe that the answer must be wrong. In another way to say it, the second the time machine is available an army might go to the teacher who gave the first piece of homework.
