Friday, September 30, 2011

Coming Home

Please read the following New York Times article that was published this past week:

"After Combat, the Unexpected Perils of Coming Home"

Then, in a comment, briefly relate the story in the Times to the Odyssey in some way.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Epic similes

Write your own "epic simile" in a comment. Your simile should be at least four lines and should compare two seemingly disparate (different) things.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Almost all societies contain myths/stories of "The Journey" or quest. Why? What is the attraction we have to journeys? What are some of the American journey or quest stories? What lessons, what themes, what values do we see played out in the stories of journeys? (Specific to 'The Odyssey: What is the difference between Odysseus' journey and Telemachus' journey? Do any of the other characters go on quests, metaphorical or literal?)

Please respond in the comments section with a brief paragraph. Be sure to read your classmates comments so that yours is not too similar or repetitive, and be sure to include example or line numbers from the epic if appropriate.