Thursday, March 22, 2012

Vocabulary, Ch. 3

Write a sentence in which you use at least 3 vocabulary words from Chapter 3 correctly. As usual, you may change the form of the word where appropriate.


  1. Susie's chimerical plans of quitting the fourth grade were soon in limbo when she became the bellwether of the track team.

  2. The bellwether of the comic book club made a diabolical plan to force the members of the club to dress in asinine costumes of comic book characters, and wear them all day during school.

  3. The titanic idea of having everyone plagiarize John's work was so asinine that the teacher started laughing, because she knew that we though she would never catch us cheating.

  4. The superhero with titanic strength was able to foil the villains asinine but diabolical plan

  5. The bellwether of the society was caught for plagiarizing a speech and tried to diabolically scheme a way to make it their own.

  6. George, the diabolical author, had a titanic plan to plagiarize the work of Victor Hugo in the hopes that his publisher wouldn't notice.

  7. Making the titanic waffle seemed asinine and chimerical to the people who did not like waffles.

  8. The new and inexperienced bellwether of the school journalism club made an asinine plan to plagiarize articles straight from the New York Times onto the school newspaper.

  9. The effete girl plagiarized the paper which was supposed to be good for her, but ironically caused bad things to happen.

  10. The asinine and diabolic journalist thought that no one would recognize how his newest article was plagiarized word for word from a previous article.

  11. His asinine assumptions turned out to be nothing but hyperboles; he had made a titanic mistake.

  12. Diabolical masterminds often have asinine counterparts (usually in the form of a minion) in books and movies to emphasize how titanic their intellect is.

  13. The diabolic villain concocted the chimerical plan to sabotage the opening of the library by creating a flying hovercraft that would blare sentences of ridiculous hyperbole from a megaphone as it flew over the city.

  14. When my plane was delayed, I was in limbo, because the layover was too short to get a hotel and too long to wait, so I asked the diabolic airline attendant if she had any chimerical plans to charter a hot air balloon to take me home.

  15. I am effete by all the recognition I get from hyperbolic villain-wannabes who praise my diabolic, chimerical , and usually titanic plans to destroy the state of peaceful limbo set by current bellwethers of the population, because they would only feel irony and see their actions as asinine when they realize that I have only been plagiarizing evil plans the entire duration of my career from a durable criminal website called, created by an aged, obdurate evildoer, who endured several years of prison under constant duress from its guards.

    1. Hmm... the comma after evildoer is unneeded.

  16. Ironically, the diabolic plan of the evil genius was first discovered by the asinine stumblings of an effete hotdog vendor.

  17. The asinine student seemed to have a chimerical idea, but his teacher discovered that it was plagiarized.

  18. The bellwether for teenagers is a teen that uses constant hyperbole, ironically the constant use of hyperbole lessens the weight of what they are saying.

  19. I am effete from laughing about the titanic irony of this situation.

  20. The task of the paper was so titanic that the bellwether decided to plagiarize his paper with his older brother's paper.

  21. Ironically, the bellwether of my class had made the asinine mistake of plagiarizing his essay.

  22. The irony escaladed as the diabolical plagerizer was caught by his mother typing the titanic research paper at 2 o'clock in the morning.

  23. The titanic burden of having to write an essay all in one night caused me to make an asinine decision to plagiarize.

  24. The asinine and diabolic man destroyed my awesome blueprints, but these blueprints were more chimerical than realistic.

  25. Jonah the Great had a diabolical plan to take down the town of Chernoble but ironically there was a titanic pollution spill the day before it happened.

  26. The chimerical plans of the bellwether student was asinine.

  27. The ironically asinine feeling of seeing a titanic test that you know you weren't spartan enough for, sends macabre chills down one's spine.
