Thursday, August 25, 2011

Discussion Questions

1. Who does Jeannette Walls lose faith in first? Her father or mother and why?

2. Once the children go to New York, they gain more faith in themselves, but still distance themselves from their pasts. Do you think they feel shame or that they just want to forget? Why?

1 comment:

  1. 1. I believe she looses faith in her mother first. She loved her dad, and had more faith in him than all of the others. She lost faith in him far later in the story. She lost faith in her mom when she refused to work, and sell the land in Texas, and also when she hid the Hershey's chocolate from her starving children.

    2. I don't think that they want to forget, or that they feel shame. I think they are just being independent, and are too busy with their new lives to think about their pasts. I think they don't entirely hate their parents, and that they only start feeling ashamed when they find out their parents are homeless. But before the parents moved to New York, they were just too excited to be doing something on their own, and moving forward.
