Thursday, August 25, 2011

My discussion questions for you to answer.

1. Describe how the father hurts the family in two different ways.

2. Before they lived in New York what was the responsibility of the kids?
1. How does money affect the Walls Family?
2. In your opinion, do you feel like the Walls children left their parents because of money problems? (Explain your answer)

Meagan's Discussion Blog

1. In the Walls family which members do you think are good or evil?

2. How do you define the difference between good and evil?

The Glass Castle Discussion Questions

1. How do the duties of Jeanette's parents change as the story progresses?

2. What does Jeanette's rock collection symbolize? What does the piggy bank symbolize?


1)How is wealth portrayed throughout the book?
2) It is implied in the book that Jeanette's mother owns a piece of land that is worth 1 million dollars. Suppose that this land is sold in the book, when Jeanette was 3 years old. How would her life be different that the one she lives in now?

Sarah's Discussion Questions

Good and Evil

1) Was Rex Walls evil deep down or was he actually a good person with a bad temper?

2) Though Mary Walls did not seem like a villain did she have an evil side at times?

Discussion Questions

1. Although Jeanette and her family were alive do you think they were actually "living"?
2. Do you think the Walls family really were a family considering how Maureen grew up?

My Discussion Questions

1. How did the parents slant their children's views on pain and pleasure?

2. Did the children's unique view on pain and pleasure help them or hurt them?

Carson's Discussion Questions!!!

1. Why did Janett never give up and keep faith in her father even when she was the only one left trusting him.
2. When did Jannet finnaly lose faith in herfather ? What made this happen

Fatimah's discussion Questions

1. When in the book is the quality of the Walls family relationship tested?
2. When does Rex try to remind Jeneatte about the quality of the glass castle.

Carolyn's Discussion Questions

1. What are some defining qualities in the life that the Wall's children have learned from their parents. And which of the parents was the one who enforced these ideals?

2. Do you believe that these qualities are wrong, or just different from your own ideals.

Discussion Questions

1. Who does Jeannette Walls lose faith in first? Her father or mother and why?

2. Once the children go to New York, they gain more faith in themselves, but still distance themselves from their pasts. Do you think they feel shame or that they just want to forget? Why?

Practice Post


The Glass Castle

Wow! Jeanette Walls is a really good author...

Jeanette Walls Talks Mom

Tuesday, August 23, 2011