Thursday, October 6, 2011

Court Martial

In your opinion, is Odysseus a moral man? Please respond in a comment and use at least 3 of the Chapter 5 vocabulary words in your response.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

I see on the new post that is shows and italic button, but I couldn't find that while trying to edit my blog post. Could you maybe show us where it is in class?

The Cyclops Polyphemus

This is the key episode. Note the description of the island and the nature of Cyclopean society. Pay attention to O's behavior. Is it commendable? Is he a good guest? Is Polyphemus a good host? Look for mentions of Zeus and the guest-host relationship.What vice gets O into trouble? What virtue gets him out of it? What types of behavior do you think are approved and condemned by this story?